Meeting 28 October 2009



  • Simon Booth (SiB)
  • Steve Boulton
  • Raymond Moir (RM)
  • Susi Peacock
  • Stephen Vickers (SV)

1. Next event (6 November)

Thanks again to Simon for all his efforts in coordinating the arrangements for this event. Programme is complete and bookings look healthy.


  1. Pass on final numbers to host and confirm food choices [SiB]
  2. Prepare a feedback form [SiB]

2. Update on funding

Blackboard is happy to continue subsidising our events but they are reviewing how our events might provide a better communication mechanism with their customers and how best to support achievement of their elearning goals. This may include presentations from Blackboard staff as well as provision of funding for presenters from elsewhere in the UK to attend our meetings.


  1. Ensure that we continue to liaise closely with Richard Burrows when planning the dates and agenda for our events [SiB]

3. Joint event with SMUG

The RSC is interested in coordinating an event for both SMUG (Scottish Moodle User Group) and Scot-BUG members, perhaps around Easter 2010. Agreed that SV and RM would liaise with RSC regarding this event and provide feedback for the next Committee meeting.


  1. Pass on names for steering group to RSC [SV]

4. Initial planning for Feb/Mar 2010 event

Proposed theme of Learn 9.1 to include presentations from institutions which are already using Learn 9 (e.g. Dundee and Durham). Aim for a date in mid February (c. 12 Feb) and follow-up offer for Napier to be host.


  1. Discuss hosting and date with Napier [SV]
  2. Announce theme at next event to encourage offers of local presentations [SV]

5. Possible topics for a future meeting

After discussion around the membership of Scot-BUG, participation with the group and its future role, it was decided that these issues are of sufficient interest to explore at a future meeting.


  1. Arrange a date for a meeting in early December [SV]
  2. Add questions about SIGs to feedback form for next meeting [SiB]